an allegorical life

drama - still better than cats, though.

i'm pretty stinkin' sure that i need my vacation next week. my life is one great effort to avoid drama, and recently it has felt like one big season of dynasty.* there is admittedly always stuff going on around, and a lot of my job consists of being diplomat hopefully somewhere between switzerland and madeleine albright, but not so much recently. i can't keep calm about the stop-texting-or-calling-me,-married-congregant! circumstance. i can't keep from being frustrated about calls that come too often with annoying information or not often enough with... well, annoying information. i can't keep from being mad at people for not being in contact at all. i can't keep from relating with congregants in "non-pastoral" ways** just wanting to be human and then getting all worried at pastoral implications.

/sigh/ see what i mean? this is all quite unusual for me. i very much look forward to next week's break and chatting with a friend while spending time with amazingly cute short ones. i plan on gifting them with some classical art from the smithsonian. hey, my mom started taking me to operas when i was 8 and symphonies way earlier - the least i can do is pass on the love and provide them with masterpieces at 2 and 3.

and it is really, truly, time to go to bed. even with a cuddly kitty on my lap i need to move over and get some sleep before presbytery tomorrow. yes. on halloween. and a 2 hour drive away. nice.
*with somewhat less hairspray and way less sex. hmm.
**still strictly above board. see above footnote.

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