Wednesday, May 12, 2010
i really dislike the second wednesday of the month. in the morning is the ministerial alliance meeting and the evening is always committee night - ok, well neither meets in the summer, so i'll be good for a while here. in any case, today was my church's turn to host the alliance which meant me leaving at 7:30 to pick up the previously forgotten fruit i said i'd bring and then arriving at the church early in order to pull together the service for sunday for which i'd previously neglected to pick hymns, etc. oops. then the meeting opening with breakfast with my ladies who were unbelievably awesome! eggs and plates cooked to order, dude! and then of course was the meeting during which people spoke way more than they needed to... as per usual. the whole meeting was a mix, though, filled with lots of laughter, and then at the end when we finally got to the joys and concerns it was discovered that there lots of sad circumstances floating around. also? people were really friendly with me. like, why are you talking to me friendly. maybe i've proven some of my stripes. more on this topic at a later time when i'm up to it, btw...
i'm currently drinking gin and orange juice, btw. way more effective than any mimosa.
committee night this evening was... fine. better than usual, but i was sleepy and not into it. however, throughout the evening i may have only rolled my eyes twice. progress!
and miss leah (you may not know her), aware of my personal proclivities, sent me this today which i absolutely adore: